Principal's Message

Dr. Deven Shah
Principal of SLRTCE,
Associate Dean - Faculty of Science and Technology. (University of Mumbai)
‘Planning’ is the need of the present. It is rightly said, “Who plans today, achieves tomorrow.” Planning emphasizes the vision of Shree L. R. Tiwari College of Engineering and determines its fruits of success. It coordinates the resources and channelizes manpower for optimum utilization.
The management, with our staff, has set very clear-cut goals to strive relentlessly in this explosive race and the numerous achievements to date are a testimony that SLRTCE transforms the theory of imagination into reality.
With each Department delivering to the optimum and building a rapport with the Industry beyond, the glory of our College will increase, thus fulfilling the needs of the time and setting standards for quality education and training. The leading projects in the pipeline will transform the youth of the distant suburbs into competitive and distinguished intellectuals in their respective fields.
The mantra of turning every hurdle into an opportunity reflects the dedication, devotion, spirit and high morale of the College team.
Dear Students,
“Knowledge is the biggest strength that makes you successful in life”. These words are really impressive and good to hear. We, at SLRTCE, inexorably attempt to provide the best technical knowledge to our students along with skill development.
We aim at to provide a conducive environment for the students to acquire the newest and pertinent knowledge and hone up their skills as per the demand of this fast growing technological world.
As our nation also demands great scientific and technological developments realizing the need to raise the economic growth for a better life therefore, it is utmost important to educate our young generation in such a way so that in future they would be recognized and evaluated on the basis of knowledge and expertise not on their academic scores only. For this, we entail a shift from marks-based education to skill-based education to create more ingenious, competitive & dynamic products who could confront the forthcoming challenges and perils with firm confidence and dogged courage.
At SLRTCE, the students are motivated and encouraged for skill based learning by the staff and the management. They are encouraged to participate in various activities where they learn things practically and get the chance to refine their skills.
I welcome you all in SLRTCE where with the profitable composite of knowledge and skills we lead a remarkable positive shift in teaching learning system.
It gives me immense pleasure to welcome you all!Dr. Deven Shah
Principal of SLRTCE,
Associate Dean - Faculty of Science and Technology. (University of Mumbai)
(Ph.D. Computer Engineering,
M.E. Information Technology,
B.E. Electronics and Telecommunication)
25+ Years Experience