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Is Machine Learning, The Future.

Where and When I started M.L?

Have you ever come across the word machine learning? Have you ever imagined what machine learning is? Genuinely I am also not a pro in machine learning but I came across the word machine learning in my engineering phase when I was learning python and was told to do a mini-project on python so I search a bit about what can I do in my mini-project then I came across machine learning and have created a  project named FAKE NEWS PREDICTION.

What is machine learning?

Machine learning is the idea that there are generic algorithms that can tell you something interesting about a set of data without you having to write any custom code specific to the problem. Instead of writing code, you feed data to the generic algorithm and it builds its own logic based on the data.

Where Machine Learning can be used?

  • Prediction — Machine learning can also be used in prediction systems. As I have used machine learning models to predict whether the news is real or fake.
  • Image recognition — Machine learning can be used for face detection in an image as well. There is a separate category for each person in a database of several people.
  • Speech Recognition — It is the translation of spoken words into the text. It is used in voice searches and more. Voice user interfaces include voice dialing, call routing, and appliance control. It can also be used for simple data entry and the preparation of structured documents.

How to Start?

Learn python.

This is an absolute essential, and there’s no alternative to this. There are many programming languages, but it does not enjoy the popularity that python does. Also, python is the fastest growing programming language, and really easy to pick up, if you’re not from a programming background.

Try to implement some of the algorithms on your own. 

Just KNN, Kmeans, Multi Layer Perceptron, and few more. Because now you’ve got too many packages and tools which do everything for you(keras, for eg), which means you can develop a full Neural Network with just a few lines of code. It gets the job done, but implementing an algorithm on your own builds your concept and gives you an understanding which you can’t get from elsewhere.

Take part in online competitions.

Kaggle is your go to place, for all things related to machine learning. You can apply the skills and tools you’ve learnt here and compare your methods with others. Plus, some competitions from companies offer cash prizes and job opportunities too, but that shouldn’t be your objective.

Perks Of Being A Machine Learning Enthusiast 

Machine Learning is one of the most popular career choices. According to Indeed, Machine Learning Engineer Is The Best Job of 2019.Consequently, there are many career paths in Machine Learning that are popular and well-paying such as Machine Learning Engineer, Data Scientist, NLP Scientist, etc. 

Machine Learning Engineer

A Machine Learning Engineer is an engineer (duh!) that runs various machine learning experiments using programming languages such as Python, Java, Scala, etc. with the appropriate machine learning libraries.

Data Scientist

A Data Scientist uses advanced analytics technologies, including Machine Learning and Predictive Modeling to collect, analyze and interpret large amounts of data and produce actionable insights.

NLP Scientist

First, the question arises “What is NLP in NLP Scientist ?” Well, NLP stands for Natural language processing and it involves giving machines the ability to understand human language. This means that machines can eventually talk with humans in our own language(Need a friend to talk to? Talk with your machine!). So, an NLP Scientist basically helps in the creation of a machine that can learn patterns of speech and also translate spoken words into other languages.

Is machine learning magic?

Once you start seeing how easily machine learning techniques can be applied to problems that seem really hard (like handwriting recognition), you start to get the feeling that you could use machine learning to solve any problem and get an answer as long as you have enough data. Just feed in the data and watch the computer magically figure out the equation that fits the data!


Machine learning is a quickly growing field in computer science.In this blog, I have presented you with the basics concepts of Machine learning and I hope this blog was helpful and would have motivated you enough to get interested in the topic.




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