Shree L. R. Tiwari College of Engineering

Criterion 2 : Teaching-Learning and Evaluation

Key Indicator- 2.2. Catering to Student Diversity
Metric No. Name of DocumentsLink of documents in PDF format
2.2.1.The institution assesses the learning levels of the students and organizes special Programmes for advanced learners and slow learnersSlow learners and Advance learners
Key Indicator- 2.3. Teaching- Learning Process
Metric No. DocumentLink of documents in PDF format
2.3.1.Student centric methods, such as experiential learning, participative learning and problem solving methodologies are used for enhancing learning experiencesRelevant Documents
2.3.2.Teachers use ICT enabled tools for effective teaching-learning process.                                    Write description in maximum of 200 words                                                      File Description                             ●        Upload any additional information                               ●       Provide link for webpage describing the ICT enabled tools for effective teaching-learning process.ICT Tools
2.3.3.Ratio of mentor to students for academic and other related issues (Data for the latest completed academic year )                 Number of mentors Number of students assigned to each MentorCirculars and relevant documentsMentor-mentee ratio 2021.docx
Key Indicator- 2.6 Student Performance and Learning Outcome
Metric No. DocumentLink of documents in PDF format
2.6.2.Attainment of Programme outcomes and course outcomes are evaluated by the institution.                   Describe the method of measuring the level of attainment of POs , PSOs and COs in not more than 200 words                                         File Description:                                                                     ●        Upload any additional information                                                            ●        Paste link for Additional informationArticulation matrix CO, PSO, PO attainment
2.6.3Pass percentage of Students during the year                                     Total number of final year students who passed the university examination during the year                                     Total number of final year students who appeared for the university examination during the yearResult analysis of BE
Key Indicator- 2.7 Student Satisfaction Survey
Metric No. Name of DocumentLink of documents in PDF format
2.7.1Student Satisfaction Survey (SSS) on overall institutional performance (Institution may design its own questionnaire) (results and details need to be provided as a weblink)  SSS analysis
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