Criterion 4 : Infrastructure and Learning Resources
Metric No. | Criteria 4 | Link to Document |
Key Indicator- 4.1 Physical Facilities | ||
4.1.1 | The Institution has adequate infrastructure and other facilities for, teaching – learning, viz., classrooms, laboratories, computing equipment etc ICT – enabled facilities such as smart class, LMS etc | |
4.1.3 | Number of classroom and seminar hall with ICT enabled facilities | |
Key Indicator- 4.2 Library as a Learning Resource | ||
4.2.2 | The institution has subscription for the following e-resources e-journals e ShodhSindhuShodhganga Membership e-books Database Remote Access to e-Resouces | |
4.2.3 | Expenditure in purchase of books/e-books and subscription to journals/ e-journals during the year (INR in Lakhs) | |