Shree L. R. Tiwari College of Engineering

One of the top Engineering college

Unleashing Innovation: SLRTCE's Institution's Innovation Council (IIC) Leads the Way

SLRTCE is proud to be a part of the Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC) established by the Ministry of Education (MoE), Govt. of India. This council is a part of the MoE’s Innovation Cell (MIC) which aims to foster a culture of innovation in all Higher Education Institutions (HEIs).

As a registered member of IIC, SLRTCE is committed to promoting innovation on our campus. We believe that innovation is key to creating a better future for ourselves and society at large. With the help of the IIC, we are working towards creating an innovation promotion eco-system that will enable our students, faculty, and staff to explore new ideas and turn them into successful innovations.

Through the IIC, SLRTCE is part of a network of institutions that are dedicated to promoting innovation. We are excited about the opportunities this presents and the potential for collaboration with other institutions to create a better future for all.

If you’re looking to be a part of an innovative institution, look no further than SLRTCE. Join us in our mission to create a better future through innovation.

R & D Workshop 3rd Feb

Sr. No. Name of Member Key Role / Position assigned in IIC
1 Dr. Yogita Umesh Yerne President
2 Mrs. Uma Goradiya Convenor
3 Ms. Tanvi Thakur Innovation activity coordinator
4 Mr. Rajesh Gaikwad Start-up activity coordinator
5 Mr. Saurabh Suman Internship coordinator
6 Ms. Rupali Pashte IPR activity coordinator
7 Mr. Radhika Thakre YUKTI Coordinator & Social Media Coordinator
8 Mr. Sandeep Dwivedi ARIIA Coordinator
9 Ms. Prajakta Mukadam NIRF coordinator
10 Dr. Vinayak Shinde Member
11 Mr. Durgesh Pal Member
12 Ms. Tarannum Khan Member
Sr. No. Name of Member Key Role / Position assigned in IIC
1. Ms. Tanvi Thakur General
2. Mr. Rajesh Gaikwad General

List of Activities

Revolutionizing Innovation: A Glimpse of SLRTCE’s Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC) Activities
Particulars Description


Institute Innovation Council’s Regional Meet was hosted by Mahatma Education Society’s Pillai HOC College of Engineering and Technology
Sub Activity: Institute Innovation Council’s Regional Meet
Activity level: IIC Calendar activities.


Organized by:

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, GOVERNMENT OF INDIA’s Innovation Cell and All India Council for Technical Education


Mahatma Education Society’s Pillai HOC College of Engineering and Technology, Rasayani.
Date: 6th Feb 2024


10:00 AM.

Objective of event:

To facilitate the exchange of ideas and practices for integrating innovation within Educational Institutions, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability to Schools, Universities and NGOs.

Outcome of event:

Members have shown interest in entrepreneurship and innovation, participants are ready to give a new shape to the culture of innovation.

Targeted Participants:

Students and Faculties coordinator of IIC cell of different colleges
Total Participants: More than 500 participants.


Dr. AnilSahasrabudhe, Chairman NETF, Chairman ,EC NAAC, and Chairman NBA, Chief Guest

Dr. Dipan Sahu, Assistant Innovation Director, MIC, Dr Ravindra Kumar Soni Adviser-IIAICTE,

Sh. Ramanan Ramanathan, Advisor/Board Member for Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Sustainability to Schools, Universities, and NGOs,

Dr. Latha Chari, HOD,SSIR,NISM,

Ms. Medha Jambhale, Sr.Deputy Director, HoD, ARAI Academy

Content of the activity:

To facilitate the exchange of ideas and practices for integrating innovation within Educational Institutions, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability to Schools, Universities and NGOs, interaction in aspect of innovation and entrepreneurship.

Methodology used:


Activity:Seminar by R&D cell
Activity level:Institution’s Innovation Council of SLRTCE

Entrepreneurship skill, Attitude & Behaviour development

Organized by:R&D cell
Venue:Online Google Meet :
Date:27st February 2024
Time:11:00 pm

Objective of event:

·         Ability to guide and inspire teams, make effective decisions, and communicate a compelling vision.

·         To encourage a positive attitude towards calculated risk- taking, emphasizing the importance of learning from failures and setbacks.

·         To develop a customer-centric approach, emphasizing the importance of understanding and meeting customer needs.

·         To develop a global mind-set, encouraging awareness of international markets, cultural differences, and global business trends.

·         Promote social responsibility and community engagement, emphasizing the positive impact businesses

Outcome of event:

·        Develop strong leadership skills, enabling them to guide teams effectively and make informed and timely decisions.

·        Build and leverage a robust professional network, leading to collaborations, partnerships, and increased business opportunities.

·        Positive attitude towards calculated risk-taking, coupled with resilience, enables individuals to overcome challenges and bounce back from setbacks.

·        Cultivated self-motivation propels individuals to set and achieve ambitious goals, contributing to personal and professional success.

Targeted Participants:Students of SLRTCE
Total Participants:40
List Of distinguished guest present during opening ceremony:

Mr. Zaheer Ali,(Founder FMX Proptech and Punctuality) Dr.Yogita Yerne ,  Dean R&D

List of distinguished guest present during closing ceremony:

Dr. Yogita Yerne, Dean R&D

Mrs. Uma Goradiya, IIC Converner, SLRTCE

Content of the activity:

The seminar was conducted using the following methods:

Power Point Presentation: Mr. Zaheer Ali delivered a presentation to present the ideas and strategy, how to develop entrepreneurship skills.

Discussion: Participants engaged in interactive discussions where they could ask questions and clarify doubts related to the topics covered.

 Methodology used:

Power Point Presentation: Mr. Zaheer Ali delivered a presentation to present the ideas and strategy,

opportunities to address global challenges

Activity:Seminar by R&D cell
Activity level:Institution’s Innovation Council of SLRTCE

 Achieving Problem-Solution Fit and Product-Market Fit

Organized by:R&D cell
Venue:Seminar Hall , SLRTCE
Date:18th January 2024
Time:10:00 am to 11:00 am

Objective of event:

·         Identify and Validate a Genuine Problem

·         Develop a solution that effectively addresses the identified problem.

·         Develop a minimum viable product or prototype to test your solution in the market

·         Clearly define the specific market segment that your product is intended for

·         Continuously optimize the user experience based on user behaviour and feedback.

Outcome of event:

·        Development of a solution that effectively addresses the validated problem.

·        Confidence that the identified problem is genuine and resonates with the target audience.

·        Reduced risk of failure as the product development is guided by real-world insights.

·        High levels of market acceptance, evidenced by increased demand for the product.

·        Increased company valuation based on strong market traction and financial performance.

·        A solid foundation for sustained growth and market leadership.

Targeted Participants:Students of SLRTCE
Total Participants:40
List Of distinguished guest present during opening ceremony:

 Mr. Saurabh Jain ,(COO , unn , space) Dr. Yogita Yerne , Dean R&D

List of distinguished guest present during closing ceremony:

 Dr. Yogita Yerne, Dean R&D

Mrs. Uma Goradiya, IIC Converner, SLRTCE

Content of the activity:

The seminar was conducted using the following methods:

Power Point Presentation: Mr. Saurabh Jain delivered a presentation to present the ideas and strategy, how to develop productivity.

Discussion: Participants engaged in interactive discussions where they could ask questions and clarify doubts related to the topics covered.

Methodology used:

Power Point Presentation: Mr. Saurabh Jain delivered a presentation to present the ideas and strategy, opportunities to address global challenges

Sub Activity:Webinar
Activity level:Research and Development cell


“Process of Innovation Development, Technology, Readiness(TRL); Commercialization of Lab Technologies & Tech-Transfer”
Organized by:IIC,SLRTCE
Venue:Online (Google meet)
Date:February 7th, 2024
Time:Wednesday Time: 3.00 PM onwards

Objective of event:

Motivate the students for innovative project for society and environment

Outcome of event:

Improves the research and presentation skills

Targeted Participants:SLRTCE students.
Total Participants:44 students
SpeakerMr. Sayan Ganguly

List Of distinguished guest present during opening ceremony:

Dr. Yogita Yerne, Ms. Uma Garodiya

Sub Activity:Seminar
Activity level:Research and Development cell


Motivational Session on Successful startup entrepreneur
Organized by:IIC, SLRTCE
Venue:Classroom 303
Date:January 11th,2024
Time:Wednesday Time : 3:00PM onwards

Objective of event:

Motivate the students for innovative project for society and environment

Outcome of event:

Understand the procedure to start their own startup

Targeted Participants:SLRTCE students.
Total Participants:64 students
SpeakerMr. Ganesh Thorat

List Of distinguished guest present during opening ceremony:

Dr. Yogita Yerne, Ms. Uma Garodiya

A Report on International Convention on Applied Mathematics and Computing in Engineering & Technology (ICAMCET-2024)

The International Convention on Applied Mathematics and Computing in Engineering & Technology (ICAMCET) was held at Shree L.R. Tiwari College of Engineering on 8th and 9th Feb 2024. The delegates from all over the world have participated in the conference. With a focus on interdisciplinary collaboration, ICAMCET-2024 aims to fuse mathematics with engineering and technology, encouraging the exchange of research, methodologies, and practical applications. The conference was conducted in a hybrid mode.

A total 130 people participated in the conference including 2 guests speakers from the different eminent organization of India and around the world. The conference was blessed with the presenceof Head of the Department,Deans, Senior faculties and Students of Shree L.R. Tiwari College of Engineering and other eminent speakers and chief guests were connected to the event via online modes.

Dr. Vivek Mishra, Alliance School of Applied Mathematics,Bengaluru, Karnataka was invited as the Chief Guest for the International Conference.Dr.VishwajeetGoswaami, Assosciate Professor, School of Engineering, AjeenkyaD.Y.Patil University, Pune  was invited as the special guest of honor for the event.The event started by seeking blessings of Almighty followed by the lamp Lighting Ceremony by Chairperson of Convention Dr. Deven Shah, Principal, SLRTCE, Dr. Yogita Umesh Yerne(Co-Convener), Dean R&D, SLRTCE and felicitation of all guests.

The honorable chief guest Dr.Vivek Mishra delivered an inspiring speech to the audience on “Chaos in Dynamically Systems”.

The event was glorified by the speech delivered by Dr.VishwajeetGoswaami, In his speech,hegave a brief overview on Mathermatics and CAT Modeling.His speech was followed by the presidential Address about the conferenceby the keynote speaker Dr.Deven Shah. Dr.Sanjay Kumar address the gathering about industrial perspective of Operational Research.

Research Papers Authors have started their presentations in their respective venue, as there were 2 parallel Session running simultaneously onMathematics and Civil,Mechanical and Electronics and Telecommunications in a separate Session.

For fair judgment of presentations and quality of papers, all our Session Chairs were Industry Experts and experts in respective field.Mr.VishwajeetGosawmi, Ms.Tina Trivedi Dr,Sanjay Kumar and Dr.PoorvaWaingankarwere the session chair for Session 1 and Session 2 .

All the sessions run smoothly for the First day of Conference and at the end of day, Best papers selected from each Sessions.

Second day of the International Conference 9thFeb 2024 started with 2 parallel Session running simultaneously on Electronic and Computer Science, Electronics and Telecommunications, Computer Engineering and Information Technology in a separate Session.

For session 3 and Session 4 Ms.ShwetaPadman,Mr.DuegeshPal,Dr.Prachi Raut and Dr.BhushanNemade, were the session chair.

Total 30 Groups of Research Paper have presented theirs Papers.  All presentations were smoothly conducted by R&D team and Student co-ordinators from different department

One day workshop on API Development by Postman Student Expert is conducted for SE and TE students of SLRTCE by Mr. ManasNanivadekarDesignation: Google DSC | Quant Developer | Postman Student Leader | Full StackDeveloper.The objective of this workshop is to get understanding of the API development, hands onexperience of API development, guidance for popular tools and frameworks used in APIdevelopment. Total 68 students participated in the workshop.

Valedictory function conducted at the end. Dr.Deven Shah, Principal SLRTCE  address the gathering and announced the best papers winners from each sessions.


Ms. Rupali Pashte

Dr. Yogita Yerne
Dean R&D

Vice Principal
Prof. Dr. Umesh Bhadade

Dr Deven Shah

Particulars Description
Activity: Poster Presentation Competition by R&D cell
Sub Activity: Poster Presentation Competition (one day)
Activity level: Institution’s Innovation Council of SLRTCE
Title: Poster Presentation Competition
Organized by: YUKTI 2.0 IIC
Venue: Seminar hall — SLRTCE
Date: 29stAugust 2023
Time: 3:00 pm
Objective of event:
  1. To outline the goals and objectives of innovative ideas of Student.
  2. To prepare students on How to present their ideas through posters
Outcome of event: Created Awareness and Motivated Students to take further steps of there innovative ideas.
Targeted Participants: Students of SLRTCE
Total Participants: 20 Groups
  • Dr.VinayakShinde Associate Professor Computer, SLRTCE
  • Mr. Durgesh Pal, AVISHKAR Coordinator, SLRTCE
List Of distinguished guest present during opening ceremony:
  • Dr.YogitaYerne, Dean R&D
  • Mrs. Uma Goradiya, IIC Converner, SLRTCE
List of distinguished guest present during closing ceremony:
  1. Dr.VinayakShinde Associate Professor Computer, SLRTCE
  2. Mr. Durgesh Pal, AVISHKAR Coordinator, SLRTCE
  3. Dr.YogitaYerne, Dean R&D
  4. Mrs. Uma Goradiya, IIC Converner, SLRTCE
Content of the activity: How to present the poster, Core of Strategy, Core of a presentation .
Methodology used: Power Point Presentation Discussion
Result Winner: SuyashBhosale,DhriteeDwivedi, SahalManasia, Riya Singh     -BE CMPN Runner Up: KaustubhChaubey ,Naufil Ahmed Siddique, Ayush Singh   -BE IT
Particulars Description
Activity: Design Thinking
Sub Activity: Seminar
Activity level: Institution’s Innovation Council of SLRTCE
Title: Design Thinking Seminar
Organized by: Research and Development cell
Venue: Seminar Hall
Date: 25th Aug 2023
Time: 3PM Onwards
Objective of event: The Design Thinking seminar aims to introduce participants to the principles and practices of design thinking, a creative problem-solving approach that emphasizes empathy, collaboration, and iteration. Participants will gain a deep understanding of the design thinking process and its applications across various domains.
Outcome of event:
  • Grasp design thinking concepts.
  • Develop empathy and user-centric thinking.
  • Improve creative brainstorming.
  • Embrace an iterative problem-solving approach.
  • Learn prototyping and user testing.
  • Apply design thinking across challenges.
  • Gain practical skills for real-world projects.
  • Contribute to an innovation culture.
Targeted Participants: Students of SLRTCE
Total Participants: 150
Speaker: Ms. Radhika Thakre YUKTI Co-ordinator
List Of distinguished guest present during opening ceremony: Dr.YogitaYerne, Dean R&D
List of distinguished guest present during closing ceremony: Dr.YogitaYerne, Dean R&D
Content of the activity: Detailed overview of the “Design Thinking”
Methodology used: Power Point Presentation
Particulars Description
Activity: Seminar by R&D cell
Activity level: Institution’s Innovation Council of SLRTCE
Title: Business Plan Development: Components and Stages in Business Plan Development
Organized by: YUKTI 2.0 IIC
Venue: Seminar hall — SLRTCE
Date: 25st August 2023
Time: 3:45 pm
Objective of event:
  • To provide participants with an overview of the business planning process, from its initial stages to the final product.
  • To explore the different stages involved in business plan development, spanning from the pre-plan stage to the post-plan stage.
  • To offer participants the opportunity to network with fellow entrepreneurs and professionals, fostering collaboration and knowledge sharing.
Outcome of event: The seminar on Business Plan Development was a valuable resource for participants interested in starting or growing a business. It equipped them with a comprehensive understanding of the business planning process and its significance. The insights gained during the seminar could aid participants in developing well-structured business plans, thereby enhancing their prospects for success.
Targeted Participants: Students of SLRTCE
Total Participants: 150 Students
List Of distinguished guest present during opening ceremony:
  1. Dr.YogitaYerne, Dean R&D
  2. Mrs. Uma Goradiya, IIC Converner, SLRTCE
List of distinguished guest present during closing ceremony:
  1. Dr.YogitaYerne, Dean R&D
  2. Mrs. Uma Goradiya, IIC Converner, SLRTCE
Content of the activity: The seminar was conducted using the following methods:
  • Power Point Presentation: Dr. YogitaYerne delivered a presentation to present the ides and strategy,how to make connections, how to enhance funds and marketing.
  • Discussion: Participants engaged in interactive discussions where they could ask questions and clarify doubts related to the topics covered.
    Methodology used: Powerpoint Presentation: Dr. Yogita Yerne delivered a presentation to present the ides and strategy, how to make connections, how to enhance funds and marketing.;
    Activity:Seminar by R&D cell
    Activity level:Institution’s Innovation Council of SLRTCE
    Organized by:YUKTI 2.0 IIC
    Venue:Seminar hall — SLRTCE
    Date:25st August 2023
    Time:3:00 pm
    Objective of event:
    • Help participants grasp the essential components of a business model in a concise and visual manner.
    • Enable participants to identify potential areas of growth, innovation, and potential pitfalls within a business model.
    • Aid in the development of strategic plans by aligning various components of the business model with overarching goals.
    Outcome of event:The seminar successfully achieved its objectives:
    Armed with newfound knowledge, participants were equipped to apply the Business Model Canvas framework to their ventures. By aligning their business models with market demands, they enhanced their competitiveness and positioned themselves for sustainable growth.
    Targeted Participants:Students of SLRTCE
    Total Participants:150 Students
    List Of distinguished guests present during the opening ceremony:
    1. Dr.YogitaYerne, Dean R&D
    2. Mrs. Uma Goradiya, IIC Converner, SLRTCE
    List of distinguished guest present during closing ceremony:
    1. Dr.YogitaYerne, Dean R&D
    2. Mrs. Uma Goradiya, IIC Converner, SLRTCE
    Content of the activity:

    The seminar was conducted using the following methods:

    1. Power Point Presentation:Ms. Tanvi Thakur delivered a presentation to present the ides and strategy,how to make connections, how to enhance funds and marketing.
    2. Discussion: Participants engaged in interactive discussions where they could ask questions and clarify doubts related to the topics covered.
    Methodology used:Power Point Presentation: Ms. Tanvi Thakur delivered a presentation to present the ideas and strategy, how to make connections, and how to enhance funds and marketing.
    Activity:Inter collegiate Project Competition
    Sub Activity:Flash Talk
    Activity level:R&D
    Title:Research Conclave at IIT Bombay
    Organized by:IIT Bombay
    Venue:Seminar hall
    Date:4th and 5th of February, 2023
    Time:10:00 am onwards
    Objective of event:To outline the goals and objectives of innovative ideas of Student.
    To prepare students on How to present their ideas.
    Outcome of event:Created awareness and encouraged students to pursue their creative ideas further.
    Targeted Participants:BE students
    Total Participants:16 Groups
    Content of the activity:How to present theinnovative ideas.
    Methodology used:

    Power Point Presentation


    ResultWinner Project from SLRTCE: 4th Prize- “Saathi – Your Chat Companion”
    Project Members: AnkitaUpadhay, AmeyBhavsar and Deepanshu Yadav
    Particulars Description
    Activity: IPR Awareness under NIPAM 2.0
    Sub Activity: Seminar  (one day)
    Activity level: Institution’s Innovation Council of SLRTCE
    Title: IPR Awareness under NIPAM 2.0
    Organized by: Research and Development cell
    Venue: Online (WebX Meet) Link: Click here
    Date: 24th March 2023
    Time: 1 P.M
    Objective of event: Helps to understand the importance of IPR and various aspects.
    Outcome of event: Created Awareness and Motivated Students to finding out patent filing, trademark registration, and copyright protection.
    Targeted Participants: Students of SLRTCE
    Total Participants: 58
    Speaker: K. Narayanamurthy, B.Tech(Majors in Metallurgy/Material Science , Minor in Management,IIT Kanpur Examiner of patents & Designs)
    List Of distinguished guest present during opening ceremony: Dr.YogitaYerne, Dean R&D
    List of distinguished guest present during closing ceremony: Dr.YogitaYerne, Dean R&D
    Content of the activity: Patent filing, trademark registration, and copyright protection.
    Methodology used: PowerPoint Presentation,Presentation with notes and comments, Discussion
    Particulars Description
    Activity : IDEA INNOVATION COMPETITION Held by R&D cell
    Sub Activity : Idea innovation presentation competition
    Activity level : Institution’s Innovation Council of SLRTCE
    Organized by : YUKTI 2.0 IIC
    Venue : Seminar hall — SLRTCE
    Date : 21st February 2023
    Time : 3:00 pm
    Objective of event:
    • To outline the goals and objectives of innovative ideas of Student.
    • To prepare students on How to present their ideas.
    Outcome of event : Created awareness and encouraged students to pursue their creative ideas further.
    Targeted Participants : Students of SLRTCE
    Total Participants : 23 Groups
    • Mrs. Neelam Phadnis, HOD Computer, SLRTCE
    • Mr. Durgesh Pal, AVISHKAR Coordinator, SLRTCE
    List Of distinguished guest present during opening ceremony :
    • Dr, Deven Shah, Principal SLRTCE
    • Dr. Umesh Bhadade, Vice Principal, SLRTCE
    • Dr. Yogita Yerne, Dean R&D
    • Mrs. Uma Goradiya, IIC Converner, SLRTCE
    List of distinguished guest present during closing ceremony :
    • Dr. Yogita Yerne, Dean R&D
    • Mrs. Uma Goradiya, IIC Converner, SLRTCE
    Content of the activity : How to present the ideas, Core of Strategy, Core of a idea.
    Methodology used :
    • Power Point Presentation
    • Presentation with notes and comments
    • Discussion
    • Winner : Suraj Tiwari & Group BE IT
    • 1st Runner Up:  Vaibhav Nohwar & Group TE CMPN
    • 2nd Runner Up:  Amey Bhavsar & Group BE CMPN

    R & D (Institute Innovation Cell)
    Report on “National Pollution Control Day”
    Date : 02/12/2022

    Institution’s Innovation Council in coordination with Research and Development cell of Shree L. R. Tiwari College of Engineering has organized a celebration on “National Pollution Control Day” on 02/12/2022 at 3 pm in seminar hall of SLRTCE. The speaker for the webinar was Mr. Raghvansreedaran MS (IIT M). Ms. Radhika Thakare gave a brief introduction of the speaker who talked how the environment is getting affected and what we as a responsible citizen should do to bring a harmony in nature. The session was very informative and resolved the queries of the participant. The session concluded with a vote of thanks by Ms. Radhika Thakare YUKTI Coordinator, to the Management, Principal, Vice Principal Dean R&D, Convener IIC, Mr. Raghvansreedaran and Heads of the department, organizing committee, faculties, students and participants.

    Total number of students attended the seminar was 200.

    R & D and Student Welfare and Development Cell
    (Institute Innovation council and Technical Committee)

    Shree L. R. Tiwari College Of Engineering organized Shark LR Idea-thon 2022 on 10th August 2022 at 10:00am.

    The objectives of this event are:

    • To promote innovative mindsets for creativity, knowledge of business and perseverance.
    • To align with NEP 2020 for interdisciplinary research.
    • To create an innovation based environment to ensure the success of innovative enterprises in their first phases.
    • To communicate knowledge and technology through integrating the academic world with the business world.
    • To change the traditional mark base system.

    This event will also boost their confidence as the students will compete in an open stage environment. his event is mapped with PO’s Design/development of solutions, Modern tool usage, The engineer and society, Individual and team work, Communication, Project management and finance and Life-long learning.

    Shark LR-Idea-thon 2022 has two Stages
    Stage 1 – Idea Submission
    In stage 1-35 participants have submitted their idea in ppt format. Out of which 18 ideas were scrutinized by scrutinizing team for finale of Shark LR Ideathon 22 on 10th Aug 2022

    Stage 2 – Idea-thon Finale

    Shark LR Ideathon Finale conducted on 10th Aug 2022.

    The Event is Hosted by Eminent Speaker Mr S. Venkatesan, CEO and MD, Lab system pvt. Ltd.

    Shark LR ideathon 22 Commenced with the Inauguration ceremony followed by Sarswati Vandana and Felicitation Program in the presence of Our Guest Mr S. Venkatesan, Dr. Deven Shah (Principal), Dr. Umesh Bhadade (Vice-Principal), Dean R&D (Dr. Yogita Yerne) and Dean Student affairs (Mr. Dhiraj Singh).  After felicitation Principal motivated all the participants by stating “As an Engineer idea generation is the basic master key to be a true engineer”. Mr. S. Vekatesan encouraged all the students with his own success stories to become entrepreneurs.

    Total 18 finale teams have presented their idea in front of two eminent judges Mr. S Venkatesan and Dr. Umesh Bhadade.

    All the teams have been evaluated based on following judging criteria’s:

    • The uniqueness of Idea (Creative Thinking)
    • Actionable Plan/ Roadmap of Execution
    • Feasibility and Effectiveness of Solution
    • Societal needs
    • benefits
    • Overall Presentation Skills

    The results were generated based on the evaluation sheet submitted by judges.

    Team Tech Creators (1st place)
    Team Tech United (Runner-up)

    Lastly, the Shark LR Idea-thon’22 was ended with Valedictory Function in the presence of Dr. Umesh Bhadade (Vice-Principal), Dean R&D (Dr. Yogita Yerne) and Dean Student affairs (Mr. Dhiraj Singh). Shark LR Ideathon’22 Finale Winners has been awarded with Cash prize and certificates.

    Particulars Description
    Activity : Impact Lecture Series by MHRD INNOVATION CELL
    Sub Activity : Workshop (one day)
    Activity level : Institution’s Innovation Council of SLRTCE
    Title : Accelerators/Incubation Opportunity for students and faculties
    Organized by : Research and Development cell
    Venue : Online (Google Meet)
    Date :  16 July 2022
    Time : 4.00 P.M
    Objective of event : Motivate the students and faculties for Incubation opportunities
    Outcome of event : Students were able to understand the basics of Incubation opportunities in the real life
    Targeted Participants : Students and faculties  of SLRTCE
    Total Participants : 37+ 7 (Faculty)
    Speaker : Uday (UD) Wankawala CEO,AIC-Rambhau Mhalgi Prabodhani Foundation
    List Of distinguished guest present during opening ceremony: Dr. Yogita Yerne, Dean R&D
    List of distinguished guest present during closing ceremony: Dr. Yogita Yerne, Dean R&D
    Content of the activity : Students were able to understand the concepts innovation, its types, trends, and how we can learn to innovate.
    Methodology used : Power Point Presentation Presentation with notes and comments Discussion
    Particulars Description
    Activity: Impact Lecture Series by MHRD INNOVATION CELL
    Sub Activity: Workshop  (one day)
    Activity level: Institution’s Innovation Council of SLRTCE
    Organized by: Research and Development cell
    Venue: Online (Google Meet)
    Date:  16 July 2022
    Time: 11.00 A.M
    Objective of event: Motivate the students to understand what innovation is and how digital ecosystems work
    Outcome of event: Students were able to understand the basics of innovations.
    Targeted Participants: Students of SLRTCE
    Total Participants: 72+ 7 (Faculty)
    Speaker: Dr. Surendra Vaidya   Independent Consultant for SAP SD, EWM, WM, ITSM and Analytics
    List Of distinguished guest present during opening ceremony: Dr. Yogita Yerne, Dean R&D
    List of distinguished guest present during closing ceremony: Dr. Yogita Yerne, Dean R&D
    Content of the activity: Students were able to understand the concepts innovation, its types, trends, and how we can learn to innovate.
    Methodology used: Power Point Presentation Presentation with notes and comments Discussion
    Particulars Description
    Activity : Impact Lecture Series by MHRD INNOVATION CELL
    Sub Activity : Workshop (one day)
    Activity level : Institution’s Innovation Council of SLRTCE
    Organized by : Research and Development cell
    Venue : Online (Google Meet)
    Date : 24 June 2022
    Time : 4.00 P.M
    Objective of event : Motivate the students to present more start up ideas and make them aware about legal and ethical steps to take in this regard.
    Outcome of event : Students  learned about ease of doing business, legal aspects, basic compliances, the major mistakes in doing a business etc.
    Targeted Participants : Students of SLRTCE
    Total Participants : 67+ 8(Faculty)
    Speaker Ms. Anita Nair Branch Head, at Samisti Legal and R&A Associates Mumbai
    List Of distinguished guest present during opening ceremony: Dr. Yogita Yerne, Dean R&D
    List of distinguished guest present during closing ceremony: Dr. Yogita Yerne, Dean R&D
    Content of the activity : Students were able to understand the legal ethical steps for business start ups
    Methodology used : Power Point Presentation Presentation with notes and comments Discussion
    Particulars Description
    Activity : Impact Lecture Series by MHRD INNOVATION CELL
    Sub Activity : Workshop (one day)
    Activity level : Institution’s Innovation Council of SLRTCE
    Title : Business Model Canvas
    Organized by : Research and Development cell
    Venue : Online (Google Meet)
    Date : 24th June 2022
    Time : 11 A.M
    Objective of event : To outline the goals and objectives of a business. To prepare students on How to write Business Model
    Outcome of event : Created Awareness and Motivated Students to finding out objectives of business
    Targeted Participants : Students of SLRTCE
    Total Participants : 78
    Speaker: Mr.Pradeep Malu, Mentor of Change, NITI Aayog; Corporate Governance Professional; Independent Director; Startup & Business Mentor
    List Of distinguished guest present during opening ceremony: Dr. Yogita Yerne, Dean R&D
    List of distinguished guest present during closing ceremony: Dr. Yogita Yerne, Dean R&D
    Content of the activity:  How to write Business Model, Core of Strategy, Core of a Model, Types of Business Model.
    Methodology used : Power Point Presentation Presentation with notes and comments Discussion
    Particulars Description
    Activity: Impact Lecture Series by MHRD INNOVATION CELL
    Sub Activity: Workshop  (one day)
    Activity level: Institution’s Innovation Council of SLRTCE
    Organized by: Research and Development cell
    Venue: Online (Google Meet)
    Date:  1st October 2021
    Time: 12.30 P.M
    Objective of event: Motivate the students to understand the intellectual property law, in India
    Outcome of event: Students were able to understand the concepts of Intellectual property law
    Targeted Participants: Students of SLRTCE
    Total Participants: 111+ 3 (Faculty)
    Speaker: Awab fakih Educator, researcher, patent analyst nba
    List Of distinguished guest present during opening ceremony: Dr. Anju Arya, Dean R&D
    List of distinguished guest present during closing ceremony: Dr. Anju Arya, Dean R&D
    Content of the activity: Different IPR ACTS on innovation for welfare of student
    Methodology used:
    1. Power Point Presentation
    2. Presentation with notes and comments
    3. Discussion
    Particulars Description
    Sub Activity: Webinar  (one day)
    Activity level: Institution’s Innovation Council of SLRTCE
    Title: Identifying Intellectual Property component at early stage of innovation
    Organized by: Research and Development cell
    Venue: Online (Google Meet)
    Date:  5/2/2022
    Time: 2.30 P.M
    Objective of event: The objective of this seminar is to instill awareness amongst faculty and students.
    Outcome of event: The participants gained knowledge on IPR overview,Types,Patents,requirements.
    Targeted Participants: SE,TE and BE Students of SLRTCE
    Total Participants: 50+ 3 (Faculty)
    Speaker: Dr. CK Sehgal, Managing Partner at Sehgal IPR services, University of WarWick.
    List Of distinguished guest present during opening ceremony: Dr. Yogita Yerne, Dean R&D
    List of distinguished guest present during closing ceremony: Dr. Yogita Yerne, Dean R&D
    Content of the activity: Better understanding and awareness about  Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)
    Methodology used:
    1. Power Point Presentation
    2. Presentation with notes and comments
    3. Discussion
    Particulars Description
    Activity: Workshop
    Sub Activity:
    Activity level: Institution’s Innovation Council of SLRTCE
    Title: Webinar on Entrepreneurship And Innovation
    Organized by: Research and Development cell
    Venue: Online (Google Meet)
    Date: 18 /12/2021
    Time: 2:00pm to 3:00pm
    Objective of event: Encourage students to become Entrepreneur
    Outcome of event: Entrepreneurship is about ideas, creations and developing something new. It is also about solving problems in a unique way and targeting opportunities. Job is all about the continuation of the same work often done in a much better way for survival.
    Targeted Participants: Final and Third year of SLRTCE
    Total Participants: 105+ 11 (Faculty)
    1. Mr. Avinash Nikhare
    2. Manager –PQA & Product Reliability
    3. VE Commercial Vehicles Limited
    List Of distinguished guest present during opening ceremony: Dr. Yogita Yerne, Dean R&D
    List of distinguished guest present during closing ceremony: Dr. Yogita Yerne, Dean R&D
    Content of the activity: Better understanding and getting to know
    1. Creates Jobs for Others
    2. Unlimited Income
    3. Manage your own time
    4. ou are the boss
    Methodology used:
    1. Power Point Presentation
    2. Presentation with notes and comments
    3. Discussion
    Particulars Description
    Activity: Workshop
    Sub Activity: Webinar
    Activity level: Institution’s Innovation Council of SLRTCE
    Title: “Entrepreneurship and Innovation as Career Opportunity”.
    Organized by: Research and Development cell
    Venue: Online (Google Meet)
    Date: 20 Dec 2021  
    Time 11:00am to 12:00pm
    Objective of event:  About different government policies to start the business and how to proceed to get the funding from the government for start-up.
    Outcome of event:   Speaker spoke about his own journey from an Employee to become an Entrepreneur The session was very informative and resolved the queries of the participant.
    Targeted Participants: Final and Third year of SLRTCE
    Total Participants: 100+ 5 (Faculty)
    1. Mr. Avinash Nikhare
    2. Manager –PQA & Product Reliability
    3. VE Commercial Vehicles Limited
    List Of distinguished guest present during opening ceremony: Dr. Yogita Yerne, Dean R&D
    List of distinguished guest present during closing ceremony: Dr. Yogita Yerne, Dean R&D
    Content of the activity: Better understanding and getting to know
    1. Creates Jobs for Others
    2. Unlimited Income
    3. Manage your own time
    4. You are the boss
    Methodology used:
    1. Power Point Presentation
    2. Presentation with notes and comments
    3. Discussion
    Particulars Description
    Activity: Celebration
    Sub Activity: Webminar
    Activity level: Institution’s Innovation Council of SLRTCE
    Title: “National Energy Conservation Day'”.
    Organized by: Research and Development cell
    Venue: Online (Google Meet)
    Date:    14/12/2021
    Time: 11:00am to 12:00pm
    Objective of event: The objective of this seminar is, to raise awareness about the significance of Energy conservation and the need of saving energy by using less energy.
    Outcome of event: Energy conservation and the need of saving energy by using less energy. The most precise method of energy conservation is to utilize less energy by minimizing energy waste.
    Targeted Participants: Final and Third year of SLRTCE
    Total Participants: 50+7 (Faculty)
    Speaker:   Mr. Pruthviraj Rahane Assistant Professor Department of Mechanical Pillai College of Engineering
    List Of distinguished guest present during opening ceremony: Dr. Yogita Yerne, Dean R&D
    List of distinguished guest present during closing ceremony: Dr. Yogita Yerne, Dean R&D
    Content of the activity: Energy Conservation:
    1. How it helps sustainable development of country
    2. It promotes the use of renewable energy resources
    3. Energy Conservation act was executed in 2001 by bureau of Energy efficiency in India
    Methodology used:
    1. Power Point Presentation
    2. Presentation with notes and comments
    3. Discussion
    Particulars Description
    Activity Celebration
    Sub-Activity Webinar
    Activity Level  Institution Innovation Council ofSLRTCE
    Title National Pollution Control Day Celebration”
    Organized by : Research and Development Cell
    Venue Online
    Date 02 dec.2021
    Time 11:00am to 12:00pm
    Objective of Event Instil awareness amongst faculty and students about environmental pollution and its disastrous consequences
    Outcome of Event Students and Faculty members attended this seminar and got awareness how pollution free atmosphere will be created from small steps taken by self .Cleanliness is everything.
    Targeted participants: SE,TE and Final year students of SLRTCE
    Total participants (70+ 6)faculty
    Speaker Mr. Raghavan Sreedaran, (B.E (Mech) M.S (IIT M)) Designation: Engineer in. SPECIAL STEEL, L&T, ADOR WELLDING
    List of Distinguished guest present during Opening ceremony Dr.Yogita Yerne ,Dean R & D
    List of Distinguished guest present during closing ceremony Dr.Yogita Yerne ,Dean R & D
    Content of Activity Better understanding how Gas, Chemical and Nuclear pollution free atmosphere will be maintain to take small step of Cleanliness.
    Methodology used Discussion
    Particulars Description
    Sub Activity: Workshop  (one day)
    Activity level: Institution’s Innovation Council of SLRTCE
    Title: Market Research at Idea stage of Start-up
    Organized by: Research and Development cell
    Venue: Online (Google Meet)
    Date:  29th January 2022
    Time: 12.30 P.M to 1.30 P.M
    Objective of event: Created Awareness and Motivated Students to understand Market research at Idea stage
    Outcome of event: Created Awareness and Motivated Students to understand Market research uncovers and identifies potential problems. one can get consumers reactions to a new product or service when it is still being developed.
    Targeted Participants: Second Year of SLRTCE
    Total Participants: 123+ 4 (Faculty)
    Speaker:  Ms. Tanvi Thakur, Innovation Ambassador, Assistant Professor, Electronics & computer science engineering
    List Of distinguished guest present during opening ceremony: Dr. Yogita Yerne, Dean R&D
    List of distinguished guest present during closing ceremony: Dr. Yogita Yerne, Dean R&D
    Content of the activity:
    1. Define the purpose of your marketing research
    2. Study types of market research
    3. Check industry trends (drivers and barriers)
    4. Compare your competitors
    5. Create your ideal customer profile (ICP)
    6. Choose your market research method/methods
    7. Check if there is secondary market research available
    8. Learn about tools for doing market analysis online
    9. Ask the rights questions
    Methodology used:
    1. Power Point Presentation
    2. Presentation with notes and comments
    3. Discussion
    Particulars Description
    Sub Activity: Workshop  (one day)
    Activity level: Institution’s Innovation Council of SLRTCE
    Title: Workshop on Ideation Generation and Problem Solving”
    Organized by: Research and Development cell
    Venue: Online (Google Meet)
    Date:  21st December 2021
    Time: 12.30 P.M
    Objective of event:
    1. To understand importance Idea & Problem Statement
    2. How to mould Idea to find better reach
    3. Opportunity in field of Entrepreneurship
    Outcome of event: Students will be able to understand how to generate multiple Ideas, using different method, How to be specific with the problem statement. How India is going toward Atmanirbhar, and students being pillar of nation.
    Targeted Participants: Final and Third year of SLRTCE
    Total Participants: 65+ 4 (Faculty)
    1. Ms. Tanvi Thakur, Innovation Ambassador, Assistant Professor, Electronics & computer science engineering
    2. Innovation cell Students
    3. Yash Dwivedi
    4. Akash Singh
    List Of distinguished guest present during opening ceremony: Dr. Yogita Yerne, Dean R&D
    List of distinguished guest present during closing ceremony: Dr. Yogita Yerne, Dean R&D
    Content of the activity:
    1. Better understanding and getting to know Ideas & Specific Problem statement
    2. Opportunity in Enterpreneurship
    Methodology used:
    1. Power Point Presentation
    2. Presentation with notes and comments
    3. Discussion
    Particulars Description
    Sub Activity: Workshop  (one day)
    Activity level: Institution’s Innovation Council of SLRTCE
    Organized by: Research and Development cell
    Venue: Online (Google Meet)
    Date:  21st December 2021
    Time: 11.00 A.M
    Objective of event: Create awareness about Innovation and Entrepreneurship
    Outcome of event: Created Awareness and Motivated Students to think beyond just Idea to take it as Startup
    Targeted Participants: Third &Final of SLRTCE
    Total Participants: 85+ 4 (Faculty)
    Speaker:  Ms. Tanvi Thakur, Innovation Ambassador, Assistant Professor, Electronics & computer science engineering
    List Of distinguished guest present during opening ceremony: Dr. Yogita Yerne, Dean R&D
    List of distinguished guest present during closing ceremony: Dr. Yogita Yerne, Dean R&D
    Content of the activity:
    1. Better understanding of Biomimicry
    2. Comparison between entrepreneur and business man
    3. Awareness of what is IIC Council
    4. Discussed plan activity of all quarter I and II
    Methodology used:
    1. Power Point Presentation
    2. Presentation with notes and comments
    3. Discussion
    Particulars Description
    Activity: Field/Exposure visit to Incubation unit/Patent facilitation centre/ Technology transfer centre such as Atal Incubation centre.  
    Sub Activity: Field Visit  (one day)
    Activity level: Institution’s Innovation Council of SLRTCE
    Title: Field Visit IIT Mumbai Incubation Centre(SINE)
    Organized by: Institution’s Innovation Council of SLRTCE
    Venue: IIT Bombay, SINE (Incubation Centre)
    Date: 13th June 2023  
    Time: 3 pm to 4pm
    Objective of event: 1.  Provide an understanding of the functions and services offered by these centre, such as mentoring, funding support, intellectual property management, and technology commercialization.
    2. Explore the role of these centre in fostering innovation, entrepreneurship, and economic growth.
    3. Learn about the processes involved in incubating start-ups, facilitating patents, and transferring technology from research institutions to industries.
    4. Understand the potential impact of these centres on local and national innovation ecosystems.  
    Outcome of event: 1. Exposure to Best Practices: Participants visited renowned IIT BOMBAY SINE Incubation Centre. They observed the functioning of these centres, interact with professionals, and learn about best practices in incubation, patent facilitation, and technology transfer.
    2. Knowledge of Incubation Units: Participants developed a comprehensive understanding of incubation units, their objectives, and their role in supporting start-ups. They learned about the infrastructure, resources, and services provided by these units to nurture entrepreneurial ventures.
    Targeted Participants: Faculties of SLRTCE
    Total Participants: 10
    Speaker: NA
    Content of the activity: The visit provided a platform for participant’s to connect with professionals, entrepreneurs, and researchers working in the field of innovation and technology transfer. This networking opportunity can lead to potential collaborations and partnerships in the future.  
    Methodology used: Power Point Presentation Presentation with notes and comments Discussion
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