Area : 9 X 9 Sq.Mtr.
Use : Used by SE , TE , BE students on sharing basis.
Facility : 75 Educational Desk, LCD Projector (Shared), Projection Screen, Green Board, Faculty Desk, Fans and Ligths, etc.
- Study of Characterization techniques and Metallographic sample preparation and etching
- Comparison of Microstructures and hardness before and after Annealing, Normalizing and Hardening in medium carbon steel
- Study of tempering characteristics of hardened steel
- Fatigue test – to determine number of cycles to failure of a given material at a given stress
- Tension test on mild steel bar (stress-strain behaviour, determination of yield strength and modulus of elasticity)
- Torsion test on mild steel bar / cast iron bar
Impact test on metal specimen (Izod/Charpy Impact test) - Hardness test on metals – (Brinell/ Rockwell Hardness
- Impact of jet
- Trial on Impulse turbine (Pelton Wheel Turbine)
- Trial on Reaction turbine (Francis Turbine)
- Trial on Reaction turbine (Kaplan Turbine)
- Trial on centrifugal pump (Single stage/Multistage)
- Trial on reciprocating pump.
- Trial on reciprocating / centrifugal air compressor
- Industrial visit to a power plant (compulsory)
- Calibration of Venturimeter
- Determination the friction factor in Pipes
- Determination of major and minor losses in Pipe systems
- Verification of Bernoulli’s Equation
- Peaucellier’s and Hart’s Straight Line Mechanism Model
- Tehebicheff’s Straight Line Mechanism Model
- Grasshopper Mechanism Model
- Davis Steering Mechanism Model
- Slotted Link Bar Mechanism
- Scotch Yoke Mechanism
Dead weight Pressure Gauge Tester
- Measurement of Negative Pressure using McLeod Gauge
- Strain Gauge Indicator : with Industrial Load cell, Strain Gauge Module : with Load Cell with 10 kg capacity
- Triaxial accelerometer
- C. position control system
- System Identification of Sensor
- Model of Cochran boiler, Lancashire boiler, Babcock and Wilcox boiler
- Model of boiler mounting and accessories
- Model of Impulses Turbine
- Model of Pure Reaction Turbine
- Model of Air or Steam Pressure Steam Turbine (Pressure Compounded)
- Model of Gas Turbines or Turbojet Engine
- Model of Cochran boiler, Lancashire boiler, Babcock and Wilcox boiler
- Model of boiler mounting and accessories
- Model of Impulses Turbine
- Model of Pure Reaction Turbine
- Model of Air or Steam Pressure Steam Turbine (Pressure Compounded)
- Model of Gas Turbines or Turbojet Engine
- Experiment on Measurement of Gear parameters by using Gear tooth Vernier Caliper
- Linear and angular measurement of Screw thread on Optical Profile Projector
- Linear and angular measurement of Gear on Optical Profile Projector
- Experiment on Mechanical Comparator
- Displacement measurement using LVDT
- Measurement of Negative Pressure using McLeod Gauge
- Pressure Measurement & calibration by using dead weight pressure tester
- Experiment on Feedback control system and servomechanisms
- Frequency response system Identification
- Transient state response of a control system
- Study of controllers
- Designing sequential operation for two cylinders using electro- pneumatic circuits
- Experimental demonstration of Discrete control system using PLC microcontroller using standard PLC demo setup (Bottle filling Machine)
- Visualization of DH parameters in Roboanalyzer.
- Bi-filler Suspension System
- Longitudinal Vibration System
- Torsional Vibration of Two Rotor System
- Force Damped Torsional Vibration
Study and performance on simple vapour compression test rig
Trial on Vapour absorption refrigeration test rig
Perform humidification and dehumidification air conditioning process on air. conditioning test rig
Study and performance of cooling tower based on the cooling load and approach to wet bulb temperature
Study and performance of refrigeration cycle on Ice plant
Cooling capacity analysis of the desert cooler
Personal Computer
- System Software : Windows 7 Pro (Licensed)
- Application Software : Java 1.8 (Freeware)
- Kaspersky Antivirus (Licensed)
- Netbeans 8.0.1 (Freeware)
- Microsoft Office 2013 (Licensed)
- Network Topology : Star Topology
- Ethernet Switch D-Link
- DES-1210-52 48 Port 10/100 mbps
- Wifi : IEEE 802.11 Standard, DHCP Active for Intra & Internet192
Measurement of thermal conductivity of metal rod
Measurement of heat transfer coefficient in natural convection
Measurement of heat transfer coefficient in forced convection
Unsteady state heat transfer in cylinder/rod/wall
Determination of Fin Efficiency and Fin Effectiveness
Estimation of overall heat transfer coefficient and effectiveness of double pipe heat exchanger Counter flow arrangement
Messurement of emmision
Morse Test on petrol engine
Speed Test on petrol
Heat Balance test on diesel
Load Test on diesel engine (engines)
Model of Cochran boiler, Lancashire boiler, Babcock and Wilcox boiler
Model of boiler mounting and accessories
Model of Impulses Turbine
Model of Pure Reaction Turbine
Model of Air or Steam Pressure Steam Turbine (Pressure Compounded)
Model of Gas Turbines or Turbojet Engine
Model of Cochran boiler, Lancashire boiler, Babcock and Wilcox boiler
Model of boiler mounting and accessoriesModel of Impulses Turbine
Model of Pure Reaction Turbine
Model of Air or Steam Pressure Steam Turbine (Pressure Compounded)
Model of Gas Turbines or Turbojet Engine
Cut Section Model Of Two Stroke Single Cylinder Petrol Engine (Working)
- Cut Section Model Of Four Stroke Single Cylinder Petrol Engine Assembly (Hero Honda)
- Cut Section model Of Carburettor : Solex Type
- Demonstration Board Of Ignition System Of An Automobile 4 Wheeler (Working)
- Exhaust Gas Analyzer (Indus 5 Gas, Model PEA205)