Shree L. R. Tiwari College of Engineering

Computer Engineering

B.E. Computer Engineering College in Mira road

Joining the group of Top B.E. Computer Engineering Colleges in Maharashtra

The Computer Engineering Department of Shree L. R. Tiwari College of Engineering was started in the year 2010. The goal of the Department is to prepare students for successful careers in top software and hardware industry, thus meeting the needs of Indian and multinational companies and enabling students to excel in higher studies.

As a student of the  B. E Computer Engineering you will benefit from a practical orientation to computer engineering; cutting-edge, world-class research; a congenial, accessible faculty; and an active student population. Our splendid academic performance, sparkling placements, and enrollment for higher studies at the best places of the world in past years are the true testimonials for this.

Intake of Computer Engineering Department :

Undergraduate & PostgraduateAnnual Intake
Computer EngineeringUndergraduate180Postgraduate12

Vision : To be a department of high repute focused on quality education, training, and skill development in the field of computer engineering and to prepare professionals and entrepreneurs of high calibre with human values to serve our nation and globe.


  • M1 :To provide a fertile academic environment for the development of skilled professionals and empower students with knowledge, skills, values, and confidence to take the leadership role thus bridging the gap between industry, institute and society in the field of Computer engineering.
  • M2 : To promote caring and interactive teaching practices in a joyous learning ambience, richly supported with modern educational tools and techniques.
  • M3 : To enhance and revitalize research culture and to provide practical exposure, by establishing a synergy between teaching and research and enabling speedy progress.
  • M4 : To pursue the enhancement of soft skills and personality development through an interplay of achievers of all segments of our society.
  • M5 : To provide human values to students by promoting lifelong learning ability.


Course DetailsAICTE Approved & Recognized by DTE,MH.
Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.)
And Master of Engineering (M.E.)
Affiliated UniversityUniversity of Mumbai
Year of establishment2010 (UG) and 2013 (PG)
Program offered4 years B.E. (Computer Engineering)
2 years M.E. (Computer Engineering)
Curriculum TypeChoice Based Credit and Grading System
Total Credit Values in Programme

212 for B.E. 
72 for M.E.

Faculty strength13
No. of batches graduated10
No. of Batches Post Graduated09
Professional chapterSLRTCE-CSI : I02352
Number of Laboratories06
Number of Class rooms03
Tutorial Room01
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