Shree L. R. Tiwari College of Engineering

HOD - Message

Mr. Rajesh L Gaikwad

Designation: Head of the Department

Dear Students,

Let me start by congratulating you on your successful completion of your upper secondary schooling and your acceptance into our esteemed Shree L R Tiwari College of Engineering’s B. Voc in Cyber Security and Digital Forensics department. With absolute certainty, I can state that the years leading up to your graduation will be the best of your student careers.

It is imperative that you realize that going forward, conceptual knowledge is not enough; you also need to develop skills along with the conceptual knowledge. You all need to adjust the way that learning works. Since Albert Einstein, the famed scientist, likewise held that “experience is the only source of knowledge,” there will need to be a greater emphasis on “learning by doing.”

You will gain from a hands-on approach to Cyber Security and Digital Forensics at the SLRTCE, as well as from state-of-the-art, internationally recognized research, friendly, approachable faculty, and an engaged student body. Beginning with the construction of Cyber Security and Digital Forensics’ basic building blocks, we proceed to its efficient application in various fields. We think that the teaching-learning process enhances communication, and when combined with real-world case studies, it better equips students to manage issues found in the computer security industry. We offer students live work experience to develop the skills by offering On Job Training (OJT)with stipend in renowned companies.

I extend a warm welcome to you on behalf of all SLRTCE stakeholders, and I look forward to your invaluable partnership with us in the pursuit of a brighter tomorrow. You will surely be able to lead a great life if you pursue three years of school of B. Vocin Cyber Security and Digital Forensics.

Together, let’s grow.

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